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Artist’s Liberation Front Fair 1966

The Artist Liberation Front sponsored a crafts fair in the Pan Handle of Golden Gate Park Early Summer 1966 that attracted artists artisans poets and people from the neighborhood who had come to party. The film starts before the stills shown here with the Straight Theater Crew emerging from under the old Haight Theater Marquee walking up Haight St., jump starting the 30’s LaSalle and riding down the Haight to the Park to join the festivities in progress while passing out an opening announcement. reprinted from a poets magazine. The stills begin with Richard Brautigan poet shown with long bright hair, Ed Bullens Poet and Director of Black Arts West shown with Toby Taurus, Poets Mike Swartz and Jim Hannon arm and arm, several shots of Booths, and the crowd, Bill Resner talking to Max and me, and concludes with Poet President Jim Wilson shown in front of the opening poster.

Love Pageant Rally October 6, 1966
The Day They Made Acid Illegal

On Oct 6 1966 the Day They Made Acid Illegal the Haight Ashbury celebrates in the PanHandle by holding A Love Pageant Rally which I shoot in both black and white and color film. The stills begin with an Admiral of the “Rising Tide “, Bobby “Snowfox” Beausoleil. in top hat, Bobby “Nicitica “and friend in velour, Jerry Garcia in front of Further, Ken Keasy’s Prankster Bus, Acid King Luval dancing, Psychedelic Orkestra with Bobby Beausoleil soon to join Charlie Manson Gang (near) and David La Flame soon to start “It’s a Beautiful Day’s” (far), Captain Kiley’s top Park Station Men huddle, Artist Randy Salas (l) and actor Bart Braverman (r) on Further, In the center Allen Cohen poet instigator of the Love Pageant between “Old Lady” and Allen Noonan instigator of Messiah’s One World Crusade UFO Cult Bakery and Commune, several shots of Pranksters riding in on Further, Prankster Page with dayglow ball and TV reporters, Jason first Hippie Kid, Big Brother playing with Janis Joplin, Jamie’s crowd, Page down front in hunters jacket and pith helmet and company riding in on Further.

Gathering Of The Tribes
The Human Be-In January 14, 1967

In January 1967 the tribes gathered in the Golden Gate Polo Grounds to celebrate Being. On stage there were many Celebes out on the field many celebrants. The stills open with girls from San Francisco State, followed by several of the crowd. The distinguished man in the sun glass is Ken Connel the red headed dealer who was known widely as Goldfinger , Tim Cameron the wild genius is smiling, while the man in white robes and a wooden camera is about to kiss my lenses, Mouse the artist is standing next to his partner at Pacific Ocean Trading Co (POT Co) artisan Bob Dries, and Brian Stopanian the noted Dope Lawyer said he was somewhere in the Rugby pile.

Sky River Rocks Sultan, WA Aug. 1968
Starring The Congress Of Wonders

Sky River Rocks – the Washington wilderness early Labor Day1968 during the Lighter than Air Fair by hosting scores of popular bands during a weekend long concert. Alex Hawks shown smoking a joint dressed in buckskin was the Concert’s main organizer, Dino Valente on stage, Ramblin Jack Elliot, Pretty Mary Aries, The one and only Straight Theater Charlie Manson (No Relation to the other one except in careless media), Mary Ellen and small son, the Congress of Wonders Wesly Vanritterhind, Howard Kerr, and Richard Rollins (R-L) on stage, shots of the crowds ending with the Congress on and off Stage.

Digger Feed

Emit Grogan and the Diggers brought hot food to the Panhandle daily at 4pm for a while during 1966. The Stills here show Brandy pushing a baby carriage followed by various people getting and eating the free food.

California Cars

California Used Cars inspire Bill and Hillel Resner while shopping for a car in a lot full of cars with dead batteries and flat tires being sold by a belligerent salesman. Annette joins the boys as they demonstrate the fine art of “Shuck and Jive”…

On The Haight

On Haight Street you could see practically anyone hanging out. Bill Resner Co manager of the Straight Theater with Brent Dangerfield Sound engineer extrodinare (6/30/44 – 5/8/98) under the marquee, I’m shown at the Chan and Chan Herb Company, Bobby Snowfox Beausoleil in top hat, Hillel Resner, Brent Dangerfield, Caitlin Huggins and Steve White in front of the I & Thou Coffeehouse, The Psychedelic Shop Close up and from across Haight Street, The lovely Samantha who changed her name to Erica, street scene, and a close-up of Bobby during his musician days on the Haight , the last is of Bob White Hip Independent Proprietor of the smoke shop at Haight and Masonic.

Peace & Riots

Days of riotous living invoke a reactive official response. The stills show what happened to Kesar football stadium former home of the S.F. 49er’s during the Fall ’66 Hunter’s Point riots when the facility became an armed fortress housing soldiers from the national guard including Bill Rusher and their armored vehicles. The SFPD Paddy wagon stops to capture black students being chased by police down a 4 mile gauntlet from Polytechnic and Manual Arts High School across from Kesar stadium down the Haight back to the Fillmore ghetto. The color stills recall a year earlier before I discovered the empty Haight Straight when we picket the pro war Haight Street Christian Science Church, Randy with the sign, Bill takes in the lesson and shares it while I film the occasion.