Photography – 2022.6.11 Jeff Bundschu and (((folkYEAH!))) Present Huichica 2022 Sonoma, CA
Jess Williamson
Jess Williamson
Jeff Bundschu and (((folkYEAH!))) present
Huichica Music Festival 2022
Allah-Las | The Altons | Bobby Oroza | Damien Jurado| Dummy | ESG | Kolumbo | Jess Williamson | La Luz | Light Fantastic | Lilys | Madeline Kenney | Mary Lattimore | Mega Bog | Midlake | Mystic Chords of Memory | Nico Georis | Oliver Ray | The Shacks | Starcrawler | Tamaryn | Taper’s Choice | Thumpasaurus | Tropa Magica | Turnover | Uni Boys | Wand | WITCH | Woods
Brigid Dawson | Matt Baldwin | Oog Bogo | Sam Burton |Spaceface
2022.6.10 -11
Outdoor Amphitheater • Barn Stage • Giraffe Stage
Gundlach Bundschu Winery
Sonoma, CA
Photos by emi